What are emollients?

Emollients (medical moisturisers) help protect and hydrate the skin. They form an oily layer over the surface of the skin, which traps water beneath it. This helps restore the skin’s barrier function. Different emollients suit different people. The best emollient is the one you like, because you’ll use it more often.

There are lots of emollients to choose from and you might need more than one type to suit different times of the day and different areas of your body. You may like to alternate between a lighter one during the day and when it’s warmer, and a greasier one at night and when the weather is cooler. Many can be used instead of soap or shower gel.

Zeroderma cream range


Creams feel light and cool on the skin and may be preferred for daytime use and in warmer weather. Creams are ideal for mild to moderate dry skin conditions,  they’re easy to use and are well absorbed.

Zeroderma creams:

Zeroveen Zerobase Zerocream


Gel formulas vary from creams and they tend to be better at moisturising the skin, although it can take longer for them to absorb into the skin. Gels also contain less oil than creams so, using an emollient gel instead of soap can help to improve dry skin.

Zeroderma gel:

Zerodouble Gel


Ointments are thicker and richer than creams or gels, and deeply moisturising. They trap moisture in the skin, but take time to be absorbed by the skin, meaning they may stay on the skin longer than creams. Ointments can be used as part of a skin moisturising routine before going to bed.

Zeroderma ointment:


UK-ZERO-285e | April 2024

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